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Some birds attract their mates by displaying their beautiful colors. Other birds normally make sounds that will attract potential mates.

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10y ago

The female moth releases a pheromone when she is ready to mate that can be detected by male moths up to a mile away. The female moth will only mate with the male that reaches her first.

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Q: How do mayflies atttract a mate?
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The Mayflies USA was created in 1997.

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Nope, Mayflies do not sleep in their short 2 day lifespan.

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Hatching Mayflies was created on 2011-06-01.

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There are lots of different Mayflies, but generally the wing is trransparent with a few black dots. take a look at the links google search which shows pictures of mayflies.

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Mayflies are sensitive to changes in water quality, so their presence or absence can indicate the health of a water body. High levels of pollution can harm mayfly populations, leading to declines in their numbers. By studying mayflies in a water system, scientists can assess pollution levels and overall ecosystem health.

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What insect lives on nothing?

It depends on what stage in the insects development it has reached. Mayflies that have shred their nymph stage skin will fly to mate, but with hardly any mouth-parts will never eat and die shortly after mating.