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They mate with female Black Widows, and since the male knows that mating with the Black Widow will ultimately lead to his death by cannibalism, the black widow technically commits suicide just for the Black Widow spider to live and pass on.

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Q: How do male black widows commit suicide?
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Why do the female black widows kill male black widows?

To feed the hatch lings

Are male black widows brown?

no they aren't

Are black widows sexual?

Black widows reproduce sexually if that's what you mean. The female needs the male to fertilize her eggs or no offspring will be produced.

What do black widows feed on?

Black widows feed on their so-called "In other words, the females mate with a male and after she is pidersure the eggs will hatch, she eats the other unfortunate male spider. I dunno what the males eat.

How do black widows find mates?

the male black widows wander in search of a female

How long are black widows?

the female is 3/8 in. and the male is 1/8in.

Do black widows produce sexually or asexually?

Black widows reproduce sexually, with the female accepting sperm from a male during mating to fertilize her eggs. The female then lays eggs, which hatch into spiderlings.

Are black widows toxic?

yes, but only the male are. but the female black widow still bite and it really hurts

What black male singers committed suicide?

Nat King Cole

What black spider lives in Georgia that looks like a black widow but is all black?

The black widow is the only spider in Georgia known to resemble a black widow but be entirely black. If you spot a black spider in Georgia that looks similar to a black widow but is completely black, it is likely a black widow spider. While rare, variations in color can occur within the species.

Can a male black widow could eat the female?

Theoretically yes, but female black widows are much bigger and stronger. It would be a david and goliath type battle.

What occupation has the biggest suicide rate?

Statistically, white male physicians, black male guards (crossing, security, etc.), and white female artists have the highest suicide rates. But data shows no clear link between professions and suicide rates.