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Hostas do have flowers and make seeds. But most people get more by dividing a plant.

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Related questions

What is the foliage color for hosta?

There are green hosta, blue (blue-green) hosta, yellow hosta, and even white hosta. There are hosta with white or yellow markings on green leaves.

What is the scientific name for hosta?

The scientific name for hosta is Hosta.

Do woodchucks eat hosta plants?

Yes woodchucks do eat hosta but there are worse hosta killers.

Do grasshoppers eat hosta?

Grasshoppers will eat hosta.

Hosta Plants?

form_title= Hosta Plants form_header= Create a beautiful look in your garden with Hosta plants. Do you want to buy Hosta plants as a seed?*= () Yes () No Have you ever planted Hosta before?*= () Yes () No Do you need to buy fertilizer?*= () Yes () No

What is the German name for a hosta plant?

Hosta = Taglilie or Funkie

Are hosta plants poison to dogs?

Yes hosta is poisonous to dogs.

Do hosta plants have seeds?

Hosta flowers do make seeds.

Could you split hosta?

Yes you can split hosta. It is usually done in spring.

Can hosta leaves be used for composting?

As long as the hosta leaves were not diseased, you can compost them.

What purpose can the hosta plant be used for?

Hosta is used in shady areas where many flowers will not do well. The hosta flower is not very pretty but it does attract butterflies.

What is the scientific name for the Sum and Substance hosta?

It would be Asperagaceae Hosta 'Sum and Substance'.