No- fire ants are insects like other ants.
Fire ants have six legs.
Fire ants sting and hurt people and animals.
I have used fire ants to get rid of yellow jackets in my yard. So in my experience fire ants win every time.
fire ants can kill dogs, only if there is allot of fire ants on the dog. fire ants can also kill people but only if there is allot of fire ants on the person.
Fire ants are found in the Chihuahuan, Sonoran and Mojave Deserts.
which layer of the rain forest does fire ants live?
Fire ants do not exist in New York. There are many species of ants that do look similar to fire ants that exist in New York.
Definitely. Fire ants in numbers can kill humans. Ants are usually gatherers but if something threatens them they will amass on the threat and light it up with the acid that they inject with their bite.
One example of a frog that eats fire ants is the fire ant frog (Leptodactylus wagneri). These frogs have evolved to have a resistance to the venomous bite of fire ants, allowing them to prey on them without harm. Eating fire ants can help control their populations in certain environments.
Army fire ant and carpenter ant are types of ants, which are insects belonging to the Formicidae family. Ants are social insects that live in colonies and are known for their division of labor and organized behavior. Army fire ants are known for their aggressive behavior and painful stings, while carpenter ants are known for tunneling into wood to build their nests.
bullet ants, fire ants etc. have a painfull poison that they enject when they sting you.