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It attacks or chases off, or even kills and eats, any animals that seem to be threatening the plant or the aphids feeding on that plant. If you find such a plant you can experiment with it. Take a hair or some similar little thing and poke at the ants and their aphids and you will see how the ants attack you or your hair. Or tap the twig gently to alarm them without touching the aphids or ants. You might get results just by blowing gently on them. Or if you find a ladybird or other insect to put on the same branch, see how the ants try to attack them. Most aphid-eating insects either clamp down and leave the ants trying to bite their smooth, hard shells, or they give off a nasty taste that stops most kinds of ants from attacking them.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

there are two types of ants in generally all ant species, the worker ant who collects food and other needed objects, and also the warrior ant who protects the queen and the nest with huge pinsers to clamp down on its foe. warrior ants are rarely seen outside of the nest.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

They spray a poison acid at you before they die you cant see it but it makes you itch and make your skin rough from there.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Female bullet ants sting and bite. Their sting in particular is notorious for being extremely painful.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

They sting their prey.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Through its painful sting.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

how do ants avoid predetors

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βˆ™ 12y ago

They swarm any attackers

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βˆ™ 6y ago

they dont

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Q: How do fire ants protect itself?
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How does fire ants defend itself?

a little niddle with venom but powerful =D

What eats fire ants?

Animals that eat fire ants include anteaters, armadillos, aardvarks, and some species of birds. These animals have adaptations such as long tongues or tough skin that protect them from the fire ant's sting. Additionally, certain insect predators like phorid flies and parasitic wasps also help control fire ant populations.

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it breathes fire against the enemy

How does a black ant protect itself?

Ants will release chemicals to signal a warning to other ants of danger. Guardian ants that sense this signal will go out toward the alarm signal and bite whatever threat is in proximity.

Is a fire ant a reptile?

No- fire ants are insects like other ants.

What do fire ants like to eat?

Fire ants like to eat anything from fresh food to rotten food and from wood to electrical cable. Fire ants tend to commit mass suicide when near human settlements because of this. When one ant finds a nice 'juicy' electrical cable and chews through it, it shorts out the circuit and 'frys' itself. The dead ant releases pheromones which attracts other fire ants as they think that their colony is under attack. So all the fire ants attack the cable and get electrocuted as well. However the usual diet of fire ants tends to be other invertebrates such as other ants and beetles that get in their way when they are foraging or moving nest sites.

How many legs do fire ants have?

Fire ants have six legs.

Does ants use defenses to protect themselfs?

yes ants "does" use defenses to protect "themselfs"

Can fire ants damage things?

Fire ants sting and hurt people and animals.

What do ants protect that lady bugs eat?

Ants protect aphids and lady bugs want to eat them.

Army fire and carpenter are types of what insect?

These are types of ants - army ants and carpenter ants. Army ants are known for their aggressive behavior and large colonies that move together in search of food. Carpenter ants are known for building their nests in wood by excavating galleries, but they do not consume the wood as termites do.

Who will win fire ants or yellow jackets?

I have used fire ants to get rid of yellow jackets in my yard. So in my experience fire ants win every time.