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Q: How do crustaceans reproduce?
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How does a crustaceans give birth?

Shrimp do not give birth. They lay eggs to reproduce. A single female can lay up to a million eggs.

Is crustaceans a herbivore?

Crustaceans are omnivores.

Are Crabs reptiles?

no they are crustaceans

Is crustaceans an omnivore?

Some crustaceans are omnivores.

Do crustaceans have hearts?

Yes, all crustaceans have hearts.

What food do crustaceans consume?

&nbs food for crustaceans

Are scuds crustaceans?

Scuds (sideswimmers) are crustaceans

Can crustaceans have wings?

Yes, crustaceans have 1 or more pairs of wings.

Are all crustaceans an invertebrate?

Yes, all crustaceans are invertebrates.

What is an fact about crustaceans?

The largest crustaceans is a Japanese spider crab.

Do crustaceans eat squid?

Most squid will eat crustaceans.

Are wings found in insects and crustaceans?

Wings are only found in insects. There are no crustaceans that have wings. Crustaceans are design to live in water, not fly.