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Q: How do corpse flowers eat and how they eat?
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What is the role of the sweat bee for the corpse flower?

Sweat bees play a crucial role in pollinating corpse flowers by transferring pollen between plants while feeding on nectar. They are a primary pollinator of corpse flowers due to their attraction to the plant's foul-smelling odor and nectar reward. Without sweat bees, the corpse flower would have difficulty reproducing and producing seeds.

How do you hide a half eaten corpse?

Eat the second part .

What kind of flowers do bogong moths eat?

They eat Grevillea flowers.

Do panda eat flowers?

yes panda eat flowers and bamboo

How do you eat flowers?

put them in salad and eat your face off then you will die cause flowers are flowers not salad toppings

What flowers are most difficult to grow?

Orchids, bonsai trees, and the corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum) are considered some of the most difficult flowers to grow due to specific environmental requirements, such as precise temperature, humidity, and light conditions. Additionally, they often have complex care routines that make them challenging for novice gardeners.

Can you eat pak choi flowers?

Yes, you can eat pak choi flowers.

What flowers do lady bugs eat?

They don't eat flowers, they eat aphids and green fly which tend to eat roses. That is why gardeners welcome them into the garden as they remove parasitic insects from their flowers.

Do koalas eat flowers?

Koalas sometimes eat the flowers of the gum trees in which they feed.

What is the life cycle of the corpse flower?

The corpse flower, also known as the Titan Arum, blooms for an average of twelve hours. Some flowers how been known to stay open for 24 to 48 hours. This flower usually requires 7 to 10 years of growth before it first blooms.

What is the purpose of the specialized cells that produce strong odors from the corpse?

Corpse flowers are pollinated by flies. The smell that is generated is used to attract the flies for pollination; much as nectar in other plants is used to attract bees and butterflies

Could one fly eat an entire horse's corpse?

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