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Q: How do cicadas grow underground?
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Related questions

Do all cicadas stay underground for 17 years?

No, not all cicadas stay underground for 17 years. There are different species of cicadas that have different life cycles, ranging from 2 to 17 years underground before emerging as adults.

What is the life span of a cicadas?

17 years but most of it is spent underground.

Do brood 2 cicadas get eaten under ground?

Brood 2 cicadas do not get eaten underground. They stay underground for many years and then come up through the ground. The can and do get eaten once they emerge. Animals and birds will eat them.

What insect wakes up every 13 to 17 years?

You probably mean cicadas that remain underground for 17 years, emerge, lay eggs and die

What two stems that grow underground?

Carrot stems grow underground, and weat stems grow underground.

What are two stems that grow underground?

Carrot stems grow underground, and weat stems grow underground.

How often do cicadas appear?

ANSWER:They appear about 7-9 years. Some larvae stay underground for 13 years and others for 17 years.

What insect lives 12 years underground and comes out to mate in 7 days and dies?

The North American Cicadas.

Can pollination be done underground?

No. Flowers don't grow underground.

Can potatoes grow in bags?

No. They grow underground. They are a tuber.

Where does a potato grow?


What nuts come from underground?

Peanuts grow underground. But, peanuts aren't truly nuts; they're legumes.