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Buzz pollination is the way that carpenter bees pollinate flowers. The insects in question (Xylocopa spp) manage to dislodge pollen grains by the power of their thoracic muscles. Buzz pollination by carpenter bees results in fruiting blackberries, canola, corn, cotton, eggplants, night-flowering cacti, passion-fruits, peppers, pole beans, and tomatoes.

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

ummm............i think they eat through it

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βˆ™ 12y ago

They bore holes by chewing on the wood. They do not, however, eat the wood. Their diet consists of pollen and nectar.

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Q: How do carpenter bees make holes in the wood?
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Related questions

Do bumble bees make holes in wood?

No, but carpenter bees do.

How do carpenter bees bore holes?

Carpenter bees bore holes using their mouths. They chew at wood, making it pulpy and soft, repeatedly until they have made a hole big enough for themselves.

Do yellow jackets eat through wood?

No, yellow jackets do not eat through wood. They build there nests in the ground. However, Carpenter Bees make holes in certain types of wood.

Are carpenter bees helpful or harmful?

They are neither helpful or harmful. Carpenter bees do not harm humans as they have no stings. They eat and bore holes into wood which may be a problem not any help.

What are bees called that make individual holes?

Dirt Dobbers? These bees can be carpenter bees if they are making holes in the wood on your house. Mason bees use holes in trees usually made by woodpeckers, etc. You can make a mason bee house by drilling 1/4-3/8" holes in a thick board and placing on a tree or other structure. These bees are about half the size of a bumble bee. They are gentle.

Can a carpenter bee sting?

Yes, carpenter bees can sting, but it is rare. Male carpenter bees do not have stingers and are often seen hovering around without causing harm. Female carpenter bees can sting if they feel threatened or provoked.

Are bumble bees and carpenter bees the same?

No. Different species. Carpenter Bees make a hole for their nest in soft wood. Bumble Bees either nest on the ground, or in a tunnel nest in the ground.

Are carpenter bees endangered?

No, carpenter bees are very common insects. Too common, some would say. These large, normally non aggressive bees resemble bumble bees, and often do damage to outdoor wooden structures with their habit of digging holes in the wood.

How do you get rid of boring?

To get rid of borer bees or carpenter bees, there a few things you can do, including using an insecticidal dust or spray and closing off holes in wood through which bees gain entrance. For a severe infestation, an exterminator may be necessary. Carpenter bees burrow into wood of a structure like a porch. They build tunnels in wood to set up their nest.

Is a carpenter bee plumber bee bumble bee or heater bee a type of wood destroying insect?

Yes. Yes. carpenter bees and bumble bees look similar, carpenter bees being a little bigger and bumbles being a little furrier. Carpenter bees will drill holes in wood, usually in doorways of barns or other out buildings to make homes for their babies. Bumblebees always make a home on the ground, usually in a nest of grass and clover, no wood drilling here. The other 2 types of plumber and heater I haven't heard of, maybe someone else will know about them.

Why are carpenter bees named carpenter bees?

because they burrow in soft wood to lay their eggs

Were do carpenter bees live?

Carpenter Bees live in wood