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Most lay them on leaves so that when the catipillars are hatched, they have leaves to munch on. Some lay them on water too, depending on the type of butterfly.

Aas for the actual laying though, that's a quick process of 'spurting' the eggs out on to the area they are laying.

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12y ago

Butterflies lay eggs which hatch into caterpillars. The caterpillars grow until eventually they spin a cocoon which they stay inside until their wings are formed. They come out of the cocoon as butterflies and then they find other butterflies to mate with so that they can lay more eggs.

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6y ago

Butterflies don't protect their eggs. They just lay them on the underside of a leaf and fly away.

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How does a butterfly protect its baby?

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What are the babies of the butterflies?

The babies of butterflies are caterpillar eggs.

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Why do butterflies lay their eggs in garbage?

Most butterflies don't lay their eggs in garbage. They typically lay their eggs on the plant that their caterpillars will feed on. Monarchs butterflies lay their eggs on milkweed plants. Spicebush swallowtails butterflies lay their eggs on Spicebush, Sassafras, Sweet Bay, and Prickly Ash. You get the idea. I don't know of any butterflies that lay their eggs in garbage, but if they do it is probably the type of garbage that their caterpillars would feed on.

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Butterflies, like nearly all insects, lay eggs.

Do butter flies lay eggs?

Yes, butterflies lay eggs. Female butterflies typically lay their eggs on plants, which then hatch into caterpillars before transforming into butterflies.

Do mail butterflies lay eggs?

No, the male flies do not lay eggs. Female flies are larger than male flies. The female flies lay over 900,000 eggs during their lifespan.

Does butterfly lay eggs with shells?

You should know this, but if you don't, butterflies lay eggs on leaves. They are so smart, they know where to put their eggs. If the butterflies doesn't know and puts it in a random leaf, that could be a problem.

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What has the author A E Tonge written?

A. E. Tonge has written: 'Some moths and butterflies and their eggs' -- subject(s): Butterflies, Eggs, Moths

What species of butterflies lay eggs?

All of them.

How do butterlies reproduce?

butterflies lays eggs