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When bees are collecting pollen, the grains stick to specialized hairs around the knee joint of their hind legs, forming sacs. After an hour of collecting a build up of pollen grains, usually yellowish in color, is quite visible on the hind legs. The fuzzy hairs, stickiness of the pollen and electrostatic electricity contribute to the build up of these sacs.

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Q: How do bees put the pollen into the pollen sacs?
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Does bees have sacs where they store pollen?


What is the function of the pollen sacs in a flower?

the function of the pollen sac is to produce pollen (pollen grains). The pollen sac is the microsporangium of a seed plant in which pollen is produced. Most plants except coniferous plants contain four (4) pollen sacs.

What contain pollen sacs?

The anther.

What does a flower produce?

a flower produce pollen sacs which has pollen grains in it

What contains two pollen sacs with pollen grains?

A pollen sac is found in the anther of a flower, which contains pollen grains. Each anther typically has two pollen sacs, known as microsporangia, where pollen grains are produced via meiosis.

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A pollen grain is what?

pollen grains are the powdery pollens in the pollen sacs . Pollen sacs are situated in the anther. For a pistil to develop into a fruit and ovules to mature into seeds, pollen grains must be transfered from anthers to the stigma. This process is called pollination.

What do bees do with pollen?

Bees collect pollen to feed their larvae and to make bee bread, a nutrient-rich substance stored in the hive. Pollen is a crucial source of protein and other nutrients for the bee colony. Bees also inadvertently transfer pollen between flowers as they forage, aiding in the pollination process.

Can honey bees die from certain flower pollen?

no because honey bees pollen

What contains pollen sacs and produces pollen that's for fertilization in the flower?


Where bees bring pollen is called?

Where bees bring pollen is called a "hive." The hive is their home and the place where they store pollen, honey, and raise their young bees.

Why do pollen grains have air-sacs?

Pollen grains have air-sacs to help them float in the air and be carried by wind or insects for pollination. The air-sacs provide buoyancy and allow the pollen grains to be dispersed more effectively to reach other flowers for fertilization.