No, they are probably Bumble Bees or they could be wasps.
Digger bees (ground bees) will be different than honey bees...honey bees will be a colony consisting of one nest with thousands of bees...digger bees, may be a colony of dozens to hundreds, but it will be 1 nest to a bee, just many nests in the same note, in arid areas honey bees are known to nest in the ground in old rodent burrows, but once again there will be many bees using the one nest
Male bees are the big, fuzzy bees without stingers.
They look just like their mother or father
normal bees.
normal bees.
Like all animals, bees need to drink. They will also take water back to the hive for the other bees.
They look a lot like a bees wings but black really thin and almost like wired.
They look just like any other honey bees. The only difference is that they are more defensive, so are more ready to sting.
The picture above is that of a mason bee.
frogs Insects like bees and worker ants.
THey look very small and they love to hover around you when out in the sun and they are yellow and black.
Yes, but you would look like an idiot and will attract bees...