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Q: How do annelida reproduse?
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What phylum are leeches in?

Leeches belong to the phylum Annelida, which includes segmented worms such as earthworms and polychaetes.

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What do pandas reproduse?

Baby Pandas

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Like humans.

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Binary fission

What phylum and class do earthworms belong to?

The earthworms belong to the phylum Annelida. Phylum Annelida's members are called Annelids.

What is a leech's phylum?

A leech belongs to the phylum Annelida, which includes segmented worms.

Where does phylum annelida get its name?

from the latin word annelida. cynthia colon.

How does the bald eagle reproduse?

nests are very large

How do viruses reproduse?

the finger goes through the hole.

How does bacteria reproduse?

Bacteria reproduces by binary fission.

How does eugalena reproduse its self?

it farts it farts it farts