They will bee if I'm around
An allergic reaction.
Pollen Jocks
Yes, It's the #1 cause of bad breath
Bees do not have IQ in the same way humans do. They demonstrate intelligence through complex behaviors such as navigation, communication, and hive-building abilities.
May bee I know.
Worker bees make honey and protect the hive from danger.
Q: What did the bee say to the naughty bee? A: Bee-hive yourself!
When is a bee like a chainsaw? When it makes a buzzing noise.
Here are some bee puns: Honey, all you have to do is beelieve in me; buzz off; beauty is in the eye of the beeholder; bee mine;to bee or not to bee, that is the question.
Bee's range into qite a large population, but in one bee hive they are know to have at least about 500-1,500 bee's in one hive.
A bee expert is called an apiologist or melittologist. They study the biology and behavior of bees, as well as ways to conserve and protect bee populations.