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Getting rid of mosquito bit scars can be hard. You can try rubbing coco butter on them.

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Q: How do I get rid of bug bite scars?
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How do you get rid of ant bite scars?

There are few ways to get rid of scars including ant scars. One way is to apply cremes designed to remove scars from the skin. In most cases any scar will lighten over time.

How do you get rid of a bug bite on your bottom eyelid?

You can get rid of a bug bite on the bottom eyelid by taking an over-the-counter medication that contains diphenhydramine. This is an allergy medication. You can also put a cold compress on the eye and a small amount of anti-itch ointment on the bug bite. However, you should not allow the ointment to get into the eye.

Is Emily chill?

no like a burning bug bite u cant get rid of.

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Clearasil will not get rid of chickenpox scars.

When was Bug Bite created?

Bug Bite was created in 1984.

Does proactive get rid of old pimple scars?

NO, protactive does not get rid of scars... hence the word "scar"

Can you get a bug bite on your lip?

You can get a bug bite any were. It's up to the bug to choose were it wants to bite you, and it's up to you to stand idly bye and let the bug bite you.

Why did the bird bite the bug?

I don't know... why did the bird bite the bug?

Does aloe vera gel get rid of acne scars How long does it take to get rid of them And how can I use it?

Aloe Vera will not get rid of acne scars. Only laser therapy will get rid of the scars. However, creams such as RoC Retinol Correxion Instant Facial Smoother will help fade the scars.

How can you get rid of scars from pimples before that?

There are a few ways to get rid of pimple scars, I have heard that raw potato helps get rid of pimple scars. Search it on and that should help! I hope I helped you!

What are some tips on how to get rid of scars?

There are many ways to get rid of scars. Some tips on how to get rid of scars include using products such as Bio-Oil, drinking plenty of water, and eating healthy foods regularly.

What level does metapod learn bug bite?

Metapod can't learn Bug Bite.