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African snails, like all complex organisms can become afflicted with diseases, deformation, and will eventually succumb to the effects of aging. So, in short, there are multiple things that can cause an African snails to die.

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Q: How do African snails die?
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How do Giant land snails die?

african snails die by not eat a enough food.

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At what age does a snail die?

Native snails live between 10-15 years, while African snails live about 7 years.

Are giant african snails allowed in britain?

In Britain you are allowed to keep Giant African Snails as pets however it is illegal to release the snails or their eggs into the wild as they are considered pests.

How do you feed giant African snails with cuttle fish?

if you have African land snails as pets you will no what they (your ones) like, every group of snails in a tank can share 1 peice of cuttle fish all you do is wash it and put it in the tank ontop of the mud and they will suck it to make there shell strong. BUT you need to wash it very well first or the gurms from it could cause them to die BUT you need to give them a bit or they WILL DIE ANYWAY.

Will UV radiation harm your giant African land snails?

Giant African land snails are native to East Africa but are illegal in the United States for being a devastating invasive species. No, UV radiation will not harm your giant African land snails.

What is the difference between giant African snails and garden snails?

Giant African Land Snails (or GALS) get much, much bigger. Garden snails are legal to have in the USA but it is illegal to keep GALS in the USA. GALS serves as a major crop problem but most all Snails (if not all snails) make great pets!

Who discovered giant African land snails?


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How fast do snails slide?

.26 mph african snails go at 1.7 mph though!

Where can you buy African land snails in Ontario Canada?

African land snails are illegal in Canada. They are good to eat though... still working on where you can buy the meat!