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As trading got more popular more animals where traded rats would be infected with flees as to other animals they were infected also when the animals where killed or, the rats died from the flees they began to host on humans causing many people to die over the time period of The Black Death!

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

they coughed, sneezed, burped or even vomited onto eachother: i mean it's probably an easy answer but don't count on this it's most probably wrong and unlikely right!! Soz, even being in 1.1 for every thing (in year 8 at kings school winchester) isn't easy!!

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The bacteria causing the disease, Yersinia pestis, lived in the blood of the rat. Fleas drank this blood, and the bacteria lived in their guts. When the fleas bit new victims, they vomited some of the bacteria into the bloodstream, infecting the new victim.

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Q: How did the rats and the fleas pass on the black death?
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Related questions

Did humans pass the black death on?

rats to fleas, fleas to humans, then human to human

Where and how did the rats get the black death?

It was carried by the fleas that lived on the rats.

Where comes from the black death?

the black death was carried by fleas that were on rats and the rats were on boats and they were carried over

How caryd the black death?

Fleas on the backs of rats carried the black death.

What is the scientific explanation for the black death?

the rats and fleas

Did the black death start by fleas on rats?

The Black death was caused by fleas who were bourne on rats living on trade vessels essentially jumped ship at various ports

Who speaded the black death?

The Black Death was spread by fleas and rats. ik..gross

What role did the fleas play in the black death?

Fleas transmitted the disease from rats to humans.

How was the disease of black death first communicated to Europe?

Rats to fleas, fleas to humans

What were the creatures that spread the black death plague?

Fleas on rats

What insect carried the black death?

The Black Death was spread by fleas which lived on black rats.

How did the fleas get black death to pass around to people?

The main carriers of the bubonic plague were fleas and rats. The fleas got it from the rats when they bit them. When the rats died, the fleas went to new hosts, bit them, and gave them plague in the process. Usually the new host was another rat, because rats hang together, but sometimes there was no rat to go to, and the fleas went to whatever animal they found.