You can't they are asexual. most of them are female an the males don't com around very often. Plus if you do get a male the female will try to fight with him to earn dominance.
Not all species of stick insect are asexual. Many species need a mate to fertilise the eggs so males are just as common as females. A male stick insect, just like most insects, are always much smaller than the females. Females are usually broader and longer while the males are usually slender and shorter.
Also the males have a little bump on the end of their tails.
Male stick insects have a slightly blunter tail where as females even though they have a wide tale have a small sharp point that is harmless.Some stick insects can breed without a male such as the Indian abatory stick insect because males are often very rare.
Male and female stick insects also differ greatly in size. The females are much larger than the male and are very solid-looking and are often quite broad. The males are often slender and delicate-looking and are always much shorter than the female.
The most common way to tell two stick insects apart are by their looks... Examples Longer or shorter Female or male Or if your trying to tell whether your stick insects are male or female try this... Males Tend to have a stubbier tip of their tail where as Females Usually have a small black point at the end of their tails like the end of a folded out paperclip
If you have both as pets you will notice on the tails of the Stick Insects that the female will be larger than the male both in height and length and she will be laying eggs if she is fully grown, also the females usually have small antenna. For the males it's the oppisite.
Male and female stick insects differ greatly in size. The females are much larger than the male and are very solid-looking and are often quite broad. The males are often slender and delicate-looking and are always much shorter than the female.
Walking Sticks lay eggs, and once they start they lay many. At best, you will see their abdomen looks bigger.
The male Monarch has a black spot on each wing the female does not.
the males have no spines and they have wings when matured and the females have spines and have miniature wings. its a bit strange that they are called spiny leaf insects if the male isn't even spiny! Hope this helps! Regards I'm not telling my name to a machine
Feeder fish, How do you tell male from female of the?
How do you tell a male pacific frog from a female
You can tell if a dog is male or female by looking at their genitals. Male dogs have a penis and testicles, while female dogs have a vulva.
Both male and female emus have blue on their necks. It is impossible to tell the male and female apart by appearance alone.
You can tell a male angel fish from a female one by all the colorful stripes it has. [the male one]
It is very difficult to tell the difference between a male and female ladybug. Male ladybugs (or ladybirds) tend to be slightly smaller than females. Contrary to popular belief, the spots do not indicate whether these insects are males or females. However, the spots do fade somewhat as the insect grows older. Males and females are also the same colour.