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They loose there color

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Q: How can you tell if a ladybug is sick?
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How can you tell a male ladybug from a male ladybug?

By Looking At Their Butts

Do you you tell a girl ladybug from a boy ladybug?

well you just call it a lady bug

Do you tell a female ladybug from a male ladybug by its dots?

yes dotted ones are female

If you eat a ladybug will you get poisoned?

No, but you will probably get sick, I'm not sure though.

How can you tell be able to tell an older ladybug from a younger one?

by there spots

How can you tell age of a ladybug?

U count the dots on them.

How can you tell if a ladybug is a boy or a girl?

you see if it has a wiener

What do spots on a ladybug tell us?

if they are nice or harmful

How can you tell a boy ladybug from a grl ladybug?

The male is smaller and doesn't have any spots. Te female is bigger and has spots.

How can you tell if your ladybug eats aphids?

all your aphids are gone

How can you tell if a ladybug stomach is bulgy?

Lift it's wings.

Can you tell the age of a ladybug by its dots?

no i dont think u can