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If you are considering putting periwinkles into your saltwater reef tank, don't. Though they are of no danger to your inhabitants, periwinkles are cold water snails. Yes, they can live in 82 degree tide pools for limited amounts of time, but they will NOT survive more than 3 months in your aquarium. Periwinkles are typically bought in bulk online and I'm sure you can imagine what happens to your marine ecosystem when 50-100 snails die within a week of each other.

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Q: How can you take care of a periwinkle from the snail family?
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How do you know what kind of snail you have?

You can identify the type of snail by looking at its shell shape, color, size, and overall appearance. You can also consult field guides, online resources, or experts for help with identification. Additionally, observing its behavior and habitat can provide clues about the species of snail you have.

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