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I haven't had a problem with ants but there are wasps that lay their eggs in the caterpillars. The wasp larva eat their way out, killing the monarch caterpillar. I frequently have this problem with the caterpillars of swallowtail butterflies.

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Q: How can you prevent ants from eating monarch caterpillars?
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Does caterpillars eat ants?

Yes. Many species of ants eat caterpillars.

Do caterpillars eat ants?

Only Wood Ants.

Do caterpillers eat ants?

The most common caterpillars eat leaves and grass. Not ants.

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What animal eats caterpillars?

Birds, Hedgehogs, various Rodents and even come other Bugs like ants will be pleased to eat a cartapillar. I am told that when hungry a fox or a badger will resort to eating bugs, this would probably include sartarpillars.The main enemy to caterpillars is birds. However, teams of ants ocassionally kill a caterpillar for food.

Can caterpillars walk backwards?

Yes ants can walk backwards but most of them do not.

Which insects eat trees?

usually caterpillars eat tree leaves and so do ants

Are caterpillars herbivores or carnivores?

It depends on the species. Most caterpillars are herbivores however, there are some species which are carnivorous (one, the chalk hill blue, feeds on ants)

Do ants like eating potato?

Ants do indeed like to eat potatoes. Ants are frequently caught eating foods such as potato chips and potato salad.

Are caterpillars carnivores herbivores omnivores?

It depends on the species. Most caterpillars are herbivores however, there are some species which are carnivorous (one, the chalk hill blue, feeds on ants)

What makes a dog vomit after eating ants?

The movement of ants in a dog's stomach may cause them to vomit after eating ants. When a dog ingest ants, to them, it may feel like a tickling sensation, which causes them to vomit.

Why does a caterpillar like milkweed?

The ant milks the caterpillar because it needs food for the ant colony. The ant also does this to help the caterpillar.