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=== === == == Nothing much.

Bee venom is acidic, so something alkaline would neutralise it chemically. However the venom will have been injected under the skin surface by the sting, and strong chemicals such as ammonia on the surface are more likely to do further harm than any good.

The most important thing with a bee sting is to remove the sting from the skin as quickly as possible (only honey bees) because even after the bee has gone the sting continues to inject venom for a while. It is better not to use tweezers or pinch the venom sac between your fingers because you may force more venom into the skin. Just scrape the sting off using a thumbnail, or something like the edge of a credit card. Use a cold compress to help with the pain and swelling. (Dock leaves or aloe vera are also reputed to help in this regard.)

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15y ago
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13y ago

this is a fairly impossible thing to do but...

if you can manage to catch a WASP and make it sting you in the exact same place the bee stung you theory is it will lessen the pain as it has some kind of chemical in it.

scientist have extracted the chemical that does this but it can not be soled unfortunately because of the health issue!

let me know if you attempt it!!

there is one other less risky thing that you can do but it is to late now i assume but you will know for future! you can simply suck the acid out but try not to swallow it (also don't forget to take out the sting with a pair of tweezers)! it can also work for other insects such as mosquitoes but done bother buying some kind of thing that does it for you your mouth works better than any of that other stuff!

hope this all helped

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14y ago

My bee keeping friends say (and I have tried it with good effect) raw onion. Slice a raw onion and rub the sting area (lightly) with the onion. Another remedy is sugar: put a drop or two of water on a sugar cube and hold it on the bee sting.

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13y ago

mix baking soda and water into a paste and put it on the affected area after the stinger has been removed. As the baking soda dries it will draw out poison and stop swelling. The cool paste will also soothe the pain.

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11y ago

Not a lot. If you're allergic, you need to go to an emergency room or call poison control. If not, you should carefully remove the stinger (be careful not to squeeze the venom sac) and then you can ice it for 10 minutes on and off. Also ibuprofen might help with the pain and you can try a topical antihistamine such as Benadryl or Hydrocortisone.

Home Remedy: as odd and disgusting as it seem, urinate on it. This is the same field expedience remedy used for bee stings and jellyfish stings.

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14y ago

for a quick relief ,u can apply kerosene oil to get relieved from the severe pain,and then u can wash it off and apply turmeric paste on the affected area and put the bandage over it .

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15y ago

Wash with soap and cold(not really cold).

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12y ago

ice pack

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Q: How can you make a bee sting feel better?
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What makes a bee's sting better?

a bees sting hurts so to make it better is pull the bee out and make sure the stinger isn't in there then put an ice pack which should sooth the pain

Why does a bee sting people?

Bees only sting when they feel threatened when they are protecting their hives.

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i have got stung by one! sting realy bad!

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Vinegar would probably have no effect on a bee sting.

What do bees do to people?

Bee sting other people sting is the answer

If a situation arises where you are about to get stung by a bee would it be better to be scared or calm and why?

Bees will only sting if they feel threatened. If you keep calm when a bee comes near you are far less likely to be stung. If you keep still when a bee lands on you it will normally just fly away again.If you try to make the bee go away by swatting at it you may well provoke a stinging attack because the bee will see that as threatening.The only other time a bee may sting is if it gets caught in clothing or in your hair. Then it may sting out of panic when it can't get away.

How can you avoid a bee besides leaving it alone?

Dont worry if they feel threatened they will sting you but if you dont bother it itwont sting you.

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How an you treat a wasp sting and a bee sting?

baking soda and water mixed together until it looks and feel pasty then rub it on the area. That's how you treat a bee sting-but when, at the exact time, you are stung by a bee you must try your best to get the barb out-because it contains poison. I suggest not to do this by tweezers because that squeezes more poison into your body. A knife, or ask a doctor to help, would do better.

Is a bee sting a chemical reaction?

No not really.......if alot of bees sting then you would feel a little dizzy and need to be taken to the hospital.

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I am a hornet and I want to ask you a question. How do you make a bee's nest. If you do not answer this question I will sting you?

Mr. Hornet, the bee's ain't saying how they make their nest. But don't sting me, go steal their nest!