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as big as the moon

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Ferne Streich

Lvl 13
โˆ™ 2y ago
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Q: How big is a cockroach?
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Related questions

How big is a cockroach seaman?

as big as the moon

What about the standard Mexican cockroach?

Big and plentyful

How big does a hissing cockroach get?

4 and a half inches

How does it kill cockroach?

It kills it by stomping on it with a big heavy foot.

How big is the austrelian giant burrowing cockroach?

about 7 cm for an adult

Does Eminem have a big cockroach?

Acctually its been confirmed that hes pretty small

How big is Joey Jordison's COCKroach?

2 ยทm

What is the external difference between male and female cockroach?

i think that one is big and one is small

How do you say cockroach in plural form?

The plural form of the noun cockroach is cockroaches.

What are the stages of development of the cockroach?

The stages of developement in a cockroach are: Egg - nymph - adult cockroach

What is a baby cockroach's called?

a baby cockroach is not called a small cockroach-it is called a nymph.

From where does the cockroach breath?

A cockroach breathes from spiracles.