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i think ants in the Amazon do it because they go in armies. I guess they makethemselves look bigger or they bite their predators. Cause, one bite isn't painful. But a bite from 600,000 ants hurt a lot.

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Q: How ants use team work to survive?
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How do ants work together to carry the food particles?

Ants use a chemicals to work together as a team. Not all ants carry food particles. Some ants dig tunnels.

What ants use other ants as slave ants?

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How do social animals work together for protection?

they use there animal senses to work together as a team

Why do ants eat plants?

Ants steal other ants so that they will work for the conquering colony. young ants are like children and rather helpless and happy provided they are fed. the young ants get use to the smell of the new colony and believe this to be the norm. In short the young ants dont know that they were not born into the colony they are now with so act as if they were born there and work like other native ants in that colony.

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yes ants "does" use defenses to protect "themselfs"

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Why do ants use their antennae?

Ants use their antennae to sense their environment. They can detect chemical trails left by other ants, communicate with each other through pheromones, and navigate their surroundings by detecting obstacles and food sources.

How do you use a colony of ants in a sentence?

A colony of ants is marching on my corn patch! There's a fresh colony of ants invading the kitchen.

What acid is ants?

When ants sting they use formic acid. It is the simplest organic acid.

How do you survive in nazi zombies?

your supposed to use glitches go to youtube for glitches and use the random box! or you are in a really great team with a great guns

How do you use borax to kill ants?

To use borax to kill ants, mix equal parts borax and sugar to attract the ants. Place the mixture in areas where you have seen ant activity. The ants will be attracted to the sugar and take the borax back to their colony, which will eventually kill them.

How do you get rid of ants on purple hull pea plants?

There are various ways to get rid of ants on purple hull pea plants. There are some pesticides that are known to work. The Himalayan crystal salt is said to be an effective organic pesticide that you can use.