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They are Carnivorous. They eat mainly Grasshoppers, Scorpions, Moths, Other Ants (Including Other Driver Ants), Butterflies, and Spiders. And people say that they eat humans.

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11y ago

They live in warm places

by Jasmine

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Q: How and where do driver ants move?
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Why are army ants often called driver ants?

The army ants are often called the driver ants because they lead the others when they are either building something or migrating.

How does humans effect driver ants in the rainforest?

they can kill the ants and the plants the ants eat with bulldozers

How long are male driver ants?

Male driver ants are typically around 1-2 centimeters in length. They are smaller than the larger worker ants in the colony.

Do ants stay in the same place or move around?

No they will move.

Do ants move much?


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How do bullet ants move?

really fast

Do ants ever move to another colony?

Because he is a gay and wants to be with another colony of ants

Ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant The aphids are protected by the ants while the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids?

Ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant. The aphids are protected by the ants while the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids. This is referred to as a symbiotic relationship.

Are cow ants bigger than any other ant?

Australian Bulldog worker ants and Bullet ants grow to 2.5 cm., which makes them the largest worker ants. But, of course, queen ants are the biggest in each breed of ants, though I don't know how big the Bulldog ant queens are. A queen Driver ant can reach up to 5 cm, and soldier Driver ants can grow to 1.5 cm.

Why ants move away from turmeric powder?

Ants move away from turmeric powder because they do not like the taste of it. They also move away from tea tree oil because the smell repels them.

Why do black ants move faster than red ants?

Black ants may appear to move faster than red ants due to variations in their body structure, physiology, and behavioral patterns. Black ants may have longer legs or a different muscle composition that allows them to move more quickly. Additionally, environmental factors such as temperature or humidity may influence the speed of ant movement.