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How silverfish sense danger?

They sense danger by hiding in dark places. For example like basements, wall cavities ,nest in largely unused areas, book cases and dusty roof spaces.

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Q: How Does A silverfish Sense Danger?
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Where do silverfish live?

Silverfish can be found in dark, damp environments such as basements, bathrooms, kitchens, and areas with high humidity levels. They like to hide in cracks, crevices, and behind baseboards, feeding on starchy materials like paper, glue, and clothing. Silverfish are nocturnal and move quickly when disturbed.

Is an silverfish a fish?

No, a silverfish is a wingless insect.

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Edwards builds a sense of urgency and danger by suggesting that

What is the verb of sense?

Sense is already a verb in the right context. As in "to sense something".Other verbs for sense depending on the tense (excuse the rhyme there) is senses, sensed and sensing.Some example sentences are:"I sense a danger"."He is sensing danger"."He says he senses a danger"."I told you I sensed trouble".

Why were silverfish added to Minecraft?

Silverfish were added to add a danger into stumbling upon an Ender room. These rooms house ender portals and they found them to be too simple and easy. So they decided to add these to make the game a bit more harder, and also for survival maps and other player created things.

How do gazelles sense danger?

Animals can sense fear or danger through a fine sense of smell or odor detection. Some do it through sensing subtle vibrations.

Which group of animals does the silverfish belong to?

Silverfish are insects.

Does it make sense to say potent danger?

Yes, "potent danger" makes sense. Potent means "possessing inner or physical strength" or "powerful." Potent danger, therefore, means a powerful or strong danger.