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There are many ways: The most humane one would be to just squash them (if you spray they die a slow death) but most fly/insect sprays will do the job.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Daddy long legs are completely harmless (they are one of the very few Spiders that are not even poisonous!)

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13y ago

I think a good idea would be to use a spider catcher that grabs the spider/cranefly when the daddy long leg isn't flying

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Q: Get rid of a daddy long leg spiders in the house?
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What rainforest does the daddy long leg live?

The daddy long leg spider? they're commonly known as house spiders. I don't know if they live in a specific rainforest.

What do daddy long leg spiders hate?


Are daddy long legs members of the spider family?

Yes they are called daddy long leg spiders.

What is the size of the daddy long leg spider?

Pholcids (daddy long leg spiders) are fragile spiders, the body being 2-10 mm in length with legs which may be up to 50 mm long.

Daddy long leg spiders have water?

Yes, all species of spiders need water to survive.

What is dangerous to daddy long leg spiders in the woods?

A person stepping on it hahaha

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Daddy long leg

What do daddy long leg spiders eat?

Daddy long legs, also known as cellar spiders, primarily feed on insects such as flies, mosquitoes, and other small insects. They are known to be beneficial predators that help control pest populations in the areas they inhabit.

Are daddy long leg spiders poisinous No?

No; there fangs are to Short to bite you. Lol, lmfao :)

Grand daddy long leg or daddy long leg?

Daddy Long Leg

If daddy long leg spiders are in basement should you get rid of them or will they eat other spiders or bugs?

actually in your basement there is no daddy long leg spiders the spiders in your basement are called cellar spiders they don't eat other bugs they just make webs and will sit there undisturbed for many days so you should get rid of them unless you want spiders in your basement. Hope this helped

Do White Tails eat Daddy Long Legs spiders?

Yes, White Tails are known to eat Daddy Long Legs spiders as part of their diet. They are opportunistic predators and will consume a variety of insects and spiders.