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yes it does effect it

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Q: Does temperature effect the sprouting of seeds?
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Related questions

What is sprouting of seeds?

Sprouting of seeds is the process where a seed begins to germinate and grow into a new plant. This process involves the seed absorbing water, activating enzymes, and beginning to develop roots and shoots. Sprouting is often done to improve the nutritional content of seeds and make them more digestible.

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Sprouting seeds

What part of alfalfa do you use?

We use the leaves, aerial parts, and sprouting seeds

What is a controls for sprouting seeds?

control group will be the same seed, moisture and environment

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What is sprouting sound?

Sprouting sounds are ambient noises produced by sprouting seeds or plants as they grow and develop. These sounds can include cracking, popping, or rustling noises as the plant breaks through its protective seed coat and emerges into the open air.

Do crushed seeds grow?

No, crushed seeds will not grow as they have been damaged and are no longer viable for sprouting or growing into a plant. It is important to use intact, healthy seeds for successful germination and growth.

If you were testing the effect temperature has on seed germination where could you place the different containers with seeds in them?


Dormant seeds are stimulated to sprout by the effect of?

a number of things, although temperature is normally the catalyst.

Why do have to put apple seeds in the refrigerator?

Storing apple seeds in the refrigerator helps to maintain their viability and prolong their shelf life. The cool temperature helps to prevent them from sprouting prematurely and protects them from mold or pests. It also creates a more stable environment for long-term storage if you are not ready to plant them right away.

Why do sprouted seeds provide more nourishment than non sprouted seeds?

Sprouted seeds have increased levels of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and enzymes compared to non-sprouted seeds. This is because sprouting activates the seed's enzymes, which helps break down anti-nutrients that can block nutrient absorption. Additionally, sprouting can increase the bioavailability of certain nutrients, making them easier for our bodies to absorb.