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Yes, the diet of the common centipede consists of woodlice, harvestmen, Spiders, mites, springtails, beetles, and other insects. Larger centipedes are known to eat mice, voles etc, and can even give humans quite a painful and dangerous bit due to their venom.

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14y ago
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13y ago

yes centipedes eat grasshoppers i tryed it yesterday after i gave my pet centipede a full grown chamilion and he also ate the grasshopper after his meal so they are pretty aggressive insects and he is still small yet my wife wanted me to kill it but instead im going to raise it and study everything about it thank you shaun Coleman Honolulu Hawaii.

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13y ago

Yes. . They will eat bed bugs fast. Get one name it Pete and let it be your bed protecter.

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12y ago
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14y ago

foucault says - yes.

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11y ago

No Grasshoppers do not have mouths

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