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If you have dots in your eyes that appear to move around like bugs, they are called floaters.

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Q: Does anybody know what those little dots in your eyes that move around like bugs are?
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Why do girls not like bugs?

Girls are afraid of bugs because they think thier dirty. They get scared of those little gross bodys of theirs and I guess the colors. They get freaked out about those little tiny legs crawlign onto you or if they have a stinger that they will sting you. Girls are also afraid of bugs because they don't like them :/

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Buy pesticides, hang fly paper, when you find spiders in your house put them out there, spray something lavender or citronella scented in those areas or seek professional help. If you can find out what those bugs are called, a name will helps answer this question better.

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I also have this problem. Anybody know?

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Those little red bugs are often clover mites. Clover mites are very small arachnids that can sometimes be seen crawling on sidewalks and walls in large numbers. They are harmless to humans and plants and are usually found near grassy areas.

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Those are synonyms, all bugs are insects.

What are sugar bugs?

Sugar bugs are little bugs that make cavities in your teeth. They form when you eat sweets.

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What are tiny little insects around windows and doors about the size of a pencil point and what type of damage do they do to a house?

garden bugs