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no, because earthworms are very dirty, and that will lead to your lizards dying or being very sick. good luck! -_-

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A Spiders does not eat worms. And actually I have no idea if does a spiders eat worms or not. Actually spiders eat grass, I think...

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Q: Does an alligator lizards consumes earthworms?
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Are alligator lizards dangerous?

No. They are not dangerous.

Do Alligator swim?

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What is Montana's state reptile?

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What are Lizards and snake?

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What is an anguid?

An anguid is a member of the Anguidae family of creatures, a large family of lizards including slowworms, glass lizards and alligator lizards.

Can green anoles live with an alligator lizard?

It's probably not a good idea. Alligator lizards tend to feed on other lizards that are close to or greater than their own size.

Is an alligator a lizard?

No, an alligator is not a lizard. Alligators belong to the order Crocodylia, which is different from lizards. Lizards are part of the order Squamata, which includes various types of reptiles like geckos and iguanas.

What is a alligator lizard?

An alligator lizard is a type of reptile found in North and Central America. They are characterized by their long, slender bodies, distinct scales, and sharp teeth. Alligator lizards are carnivorous and primarily feed on insects, small mammals, and other reptiles.

What do baby alligator lizards drink?

they drink just water not enything else

What do garter snakes eat?

Leeches, lizards, insects, earthworms, slugs, rodents, etc.

Can alligator lizard live with a gecko?

No - firstly, they require completely different living conditions - and secondly, alligator lizards are carnivores - and would eat the gecko !

What does a northern alligator lizard baby look like?

A northern alligator lizard baby typically has a brown or gray coloration with light stripes or spots running along its body. They are smaller in size compared to adult alligator lizards and may have more vibrant colors to help with camouflage.