paint8=mighty guy luck8=water bug panda8=rolypoly rodeo purple8=creepy crawlers
umm yes a white rolypoly is rare which mean the rolypoly has been born only if small
No, there is no capitalize when referring to rosary beads. You may choose to capitalize when referring to set of prayers called the Rosary, but not for rosary beads.
Capitalize municipal when you're referring to a specific authority -- The Municipal Court. If you're not referring to a specific thing, do not capitalize the m.
Yes, capitalize "Central" when referring to Central Illinois as it specifies a specific region within the state.
You would capitalize it only if you are referring to a specific community college.
Yes, you should capitalize "French" when referring to a French language class as it is a proper noun.
You do not capitalize Defense Attorney unless you're referring to a specific person.
to give a rolypoly water,which they need the most,get a piece of bread then poor water on it then theyll suck it up.
No it shouldn't be capitalized.