I am a year eight student and as part of an experiment is my science course we placed 30 meal worms on a large petri dish a put a beaker full with iced water on one side and boiled water on the other. We tested it fairly 3 times and found the meal worms preferred the cold side of the petri dish. I hope this helps
In the winter, our house is pretty cold, between 62 and 71 , in the summer it is between 80-85, warmer than most people keep it. At either extreme the mealworms and pupae are fine, but if you are running the heat, the mealworm and pupae need a humidifier is the air is dry or the mealworms have trouble successfully turning into pupae and the pupae often dry out, and don't turn into beetles.
have fun.
It depends what type of monkey it is and where it lives xxx
they do live in cold
hot in the daytime, cold at night.
you will be cold
they live in cold places
they live in a hot place
it was very cold in the winter and they had moderate summers.
No they like warm not to cold or hot
A desert is a dry environment; it is very hot in the day and very cold at night
Carnivores (meat-eaters) live everywhere on this planet, no matter what the environment may be, provided there is a prey animal that they can catch and eat!