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Q: Do the octopus and squid have moist slimy skin?
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Do reptiles have slimy or moist?

Most reptiles have dry, rather hard skin, but if the reptile lives underwater it could have moist (slimy) skin hope that helped. :)

Which has moist slimy skin a reptile or amphibians?


Why does a whale have smooth thick skin but an octopus has slimy slippery skin?

because I'm Catwoman

Why are live frogs slimy?

This is because frogs secrete a mucus which help keep their skin moist

What are the four details of an amphibian?

they live in water and landsome lay eggsthey have slimy moist skin

What is a squid's and octopus's ink made of?

Squid and octopus ink is a mixture of melanin, mucus, and other compounds. Melanin gives the ink its dark color, while the mucus helps create a cloud of ink that confuses predators or allows the cephalopod to escape.

Is squidward a octopus?

Visual Differences: - Octopi usually have circle shaped heads, while squid have torpedo/diamond shaped ones with fins on the side. - Squid have much larger eyes. - Squid have an extra pair of long tentacles. - Some octopi have webbing between their arms. - Octopi sometimes LOOK like bumpy while squids sometimes look 'slimy'. Behavior Differences: - Octopi use color-changing as camouflage more than squid do. - Squid swim in the water while octopi usually crawl on the ocean floor. - Octopi hunt alone, some squid come as schools. - Octopi can change the texture of their skin for camouflage and emotions.

Why do frogs have to keep their skin moist at all times?

This is because the frog skin secretes a mucus that helps keep it moist

Why is a frogs skin slimy?

Frogs are amphibians, so they spend most of their time in water. This causes them to have a protective layer of skin to keep them from drying out. This and the fact that they spend much time in water results in a slimy texture of their skin.

What is frog's skin like?

Frog's skin is slimy and can often have strange patterns like stripes, dots or random markings. It can be of different shades of green, yellow or red. The color is often a good way of distinguishing whether it has the potential to be poisonous or not.

What is the texture of the Kraken?

The Kraken is a mythical sea creature described as having rough, scaly skin like a giant squid or octopus.

What type of skin does an amphibian have?

Moist skinThey should or usually have leathery or bumpy/rough skin.They have slimy skin with mucus to keep moisture inside. Since they do not drink water, they absorb it with their skin.