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Angry would be the proper term for its actions. Just like most animals that molt or shed, its eye coverings are also affected by the molt, making it more difficult for it to determine what is coming after it. It usually is quick to display defensive posturing during those times. It is best to leave them alone while molting.

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Q: Do tarantulas get more angry aproaching a molt?
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What happens after tarantulas molt?

My tarantula molts about once a year and just before she does she throws off hairs so there are bald spots on her. When a tarantula molts they also get a bit cranky so if you handle yours watch out. It takes a few hours when they do start. They lay on their back and crawl out of the old skin. When they are done they are beautiful and they like to handle the old skin for a bit.

What is a tarantula's habitat?

Tarantulas generally live in warm climates such as South America. For more specific locations, research specific types of Tarantulas.

Can you put two or more tarantulas in the same tank?

To tarantulas cannot live in the same cage together. If you put two together they will fight and one will die.

If you live in a apartment which would be better for children that have asthma and allergies a cat or a dog?

None! Both molt, cats molt more as their fur is denser. However you can get special breeds of both cats and dogs that don't molt, discuss which breeds these are with a vet. x

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