There are reports of snails that ingest lichen, which are rock eating "things" (because they are a symbiotic combination of a fungus and a photosynthetic organism). In ingesting the lichen, they also ingest bits of rock. It isn't that the snail is necessarily "eating the rock" so much as that it ends up with a bit of rock "in its mouth" because it is eating the lichen. A few links can be found below.
Yes! All you need to do is make sure there is dirt and spray the snails with a spraybottle. Plastic isn't the best place for garden snails, but it will work!
on cement
Snails move faster on dirt cement
no land snails haft to live on land such as dirt and grass.but an ocean snail needs to live water to live.
no. that's all I've got to say no.
Snails like to have a aquariumfull of dirt that is moist
snails do need other snails around them to be happy because they have remarkable senses and brains.
Beacuase just like humans it hurts the snails eyes Beacause your hands have dirt on them and snails dont blink so it hurts the eye
Snails have a sense of smell and taste. It is their best developed sense. The lower tentacles that are on either side of the mouth, stretch out in front of the snail as it moves. These tentacles have smell and taste receptors at their tips.
Snails are nocturnal, so are more active in the dark, but do not need to be in the dark.
an earthworm because the worm eats dirt not fungi like snails, slugs and clams do