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Yes. Most land snails live in dark, moist places.

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Q: Do snails like really dark places?
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Related questions

Awhat is a snails home is called?

a snails home is a shell plus they like damp dark places like under a plant pot or under a bush they like all-sorts of places

Do snails like the dark why?

Snails are more active in the dark because at night, it is cooler at night than in the daytime. Snails have to stay moist to survive.

Do snails like to sleep high or low places?

Snails like to sleep upside down, high up.

What area in the world can snails be found?

snails live almost anywhere. except for Antarctica and places like that.

Can African snails live in dark?

no, they live in light constantly like me

Why are dark coloured snails with no bands the most common type found in forests?

Because they are a sort of forest creature where as the lighter coloured like to live in more public places like grass or litter

What kind of places to snails live in?

they like to live in gardens, ponds,and oceans. and moist places

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Where does the snails live?

Live like other small creatures.

You found a snail you do not know what kind of snail it is you do not know what snails eat?

Snails are herbovores, and really like lettuce.

Do meal worms like bright or dark places?

they like to be in dark place

Do french people really like like snails?

Many people (including French) enjoy snails. They are called escargot and are delicious with garlic butter.