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Sort of ... it's not really smelling but they do detect chemicals in the air around them.

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Q: Do slugs use their tentacles to smell?
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Why do slugs have 4 noses?

Slugs don't have noses; they use specialized tentacles to sense chemicals in their environment. These tentacles can detect smells, tastes, and touch, helping the slug navigate its surroundings and find food.

Why do slug communicate with other slugs?

Slugs can communicate through tentacles and chemicals. Snails have two tentacles on their heads which they use to communicate with each other through touch. Slugs leave behind a chemical trail which can be processed by other slugs.

Does a slug have a nose?

Slugs do not have noses like mammals do. They have a pair of sensory tentacles on their head which they use to sense their environment, including detecting food and potential threats.

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jelly fish are capable of smell and taste by its tentacles

Is it true that Slugs have four noses?

No, slugs do not have four noses. Slugs actually have two pairs of tentacles on their head - the upper pair is used for sensing light and the lower pair is used for detecting chemicals in their environment.

What do snails small tentacles do?

Tentacles on snails are sensory organs. They use them to feel around their environment. Also, the largest pair (or only pair, on those species that only have two tentacles) have a light-sensitive patch on them (sometimes at the tip, sometimes at the base)... the "eyes" of the snail. There are also olfactory sense cells (sense of smell) on the tentacles.

What do cephalopods use their tentacles for?

Cephalopods use their tentacles mainly to catch food.

How do pond snails smell?

Pond snails are a type of gastropod (literally, "stomach foot"). They use their prominent tentacles located on their heads to detect smells in their surroundings.

How do octopi smell?

Octopi's sense of smell is detected through the suckers on their tentacles.

Why do mollusk have tentacles and short beaks?

they use the tentacles to grab dirt out of the water and bring it to their mouths.

How do cnidarian use their tentacles?

They use them to capture food.

What is this black scaley bug with tentacles?

A black scaly bug that has tentacles is known as a black turpentine beetle. These beetles use their tentacles as sensory organs.