The creature living inside the shell dies. The shell is generally left empty. The SHELL does not DIE!!
The possessive form of "seashells" is "seashells'."
That would be seashells.
The correct spelling is seashells. An example sentence would be "there are plenty of seashells on the beach".
No whales do not grow with seashells
There is no such thing as seashells language.
yes seashells are common on beaches
seashells are made by rocks rubbing together
Seashells come in all sorts of shapes.
seashells are already dead
There are thousands of different varieties of seashells. Estimates range from around 50,000 to over 200,000 different species of seashells.
Champagne in Seashells was created on 2009-09-21.
Seashells - 2014 was released on: USA: 2014