The vast majority of maggots eat only dead flesh.
For this reason, the use of maggots to clean dead tissue from wounds is part of folk medicine in many parts of the world, as well as being used in 'modern' medicine.
Bacteriologically sterile "medical grade" maggots raised in special facilities can be used for selectively cleaning out dead tissue within the wound and thus aid healing.
There is, however, one variety - Dermatobia hominis,sometimes called the "human" botfly - that eats only living flesh.
Nothing, provided you did not have some sort of infection in that ear that was killing flesh. maggots do not eat living flesh.
Some maggots such as housefly maggots prefer decomposing meat or flesh. Although some maggots live in decomposing logs or trees. These are just a few places where maggots live.
maggots eat the dead flesh
Only if you are a corpse..... maggots only eat decaying flesh
Maggots will only eat the dead flesh. They will not eat living cells. That is why they are used to clean horrific wounds that cannot be cleansed by doctors.
rotting flesh and other maggots
Maggots do not harm humans, seeing maggots feasting off of a dead corpse, animal or simply rotting flesh is only the nature of the maggots. They eat Dead flesh and they have not caused the fate of the corpse. Although, there is a possible way that certain species of flies can lay a larvae of Maggots into a living person. I.e mosquito larvae. Therefore it can be infected and become fatal to the host. Although, it is the Infection itself that is harmful, not the maggots. And is quite easy to remove the maggots from the host in itself and many doctors have seen action of this.
What eats human corpses are not worms, but maggots. Maggots are the offspring of flies. Dead things tend to attract flies (the stench of rotting flesh may be disgusting to us, but lovely to flies), and those flies come and eat the flesh as well as lay eggs on the decaying body. Once the eggs hatch, you get maggots, which also consume the flesh/bodily fluids of the body.
Some people will find this whole subject disgusting, but it is still a legitimate aspect of human knowledge. Maggots eat dead flesh but not living flesh. Therefore, they will get on living people who have serious wounds that include some dead flesh, but they will get in dead people who are made entirely of dead flesh (if you let them, of course - human burial customs usually prevent maggots from getting in).
Maggots, have been used in medicine, which has been well documented since the 16 century at least in the western hemisphere. They only eat dead or putrefied flesh, will ignoring live and living flesh.
Yes, maggots are carnivorous. They feed on decaying organic matter, including flesh, making them important scavengers in breaking down dead animals.
Well, it is one place from where new flies do arise. Flies are scavengers and carrion eaters. The short form of the life cycle is this: critter dies, lady fly lands on dead critter and lays eggs, larva in the form of maggots emerge from the eggs, maggots eat, grow, and develop into new flies and rise off the remains of dead critter. Incidentally, maggots only eat dead or rotting meat. Maggots cannot eat live flesh.