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yes, they eat anything that's dead or rotton, i have a project on them. =)

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Q: Do maggots eat dead roachbugs We sprayed for roaches and now we have maggots.?
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Related questions

Will maggots eat calluses?

no maggots will only eat dead tissue.

Why is maggots found in decaying food?

because maggots live in dead bodies or any where disgusting

How do maggots get into a dead body where there are no flies?

If there are no flies then there will be no maggots. No flies, no eggs, no maggots.

Who has the ad slogan Kill Roaches Dead?

"Kills roaches dead" is the ad slogan for Raid. Raid is a brand name of insecticide used for killing indoor bugs.

What does it mean to dream big dead roaches small medium everywhere?

Roaches in dreams represent feelings of disgust and revulsion. They symbolize multiple small problems that are persistent and hard to get rid of, just as roaches are hard to get rid of. Dead roaches add the element of rot and decay to the overall disgust of the dream.

Consumers that feed on the bodies of dead orginsms?


What if your dog brings in a dead rat with maggots on it?


Are there maggots in blueberries?

Maggots are fly larvae, and they subsist on primarily dead meat and waste. Unless maggots were introduced in the production process accidentally, there's no reason to find maggots in chocolate - they can't survive in it.

Do maggots start first on something dead?

Maggots will only eat the dead flesh. They will not eat living cells. That is why they are used to clean horrific wounds that cannot be cleansed by doctors.

Can maggots form in a dead horse?

No. However, flies may lay their eggs in the flesh of a dead horse, and these become maggots which feed on the rotting flesh until they hatch into flies.

Are there maggots in the rainforest?

Yes, maggots can be found in rainforests. They are the larval stage of flies and can be found in decaying organic matter such as fallen leaves, fruits, and animal carcasses. Maggots play an important role in breaking down and recycling nutrients in the rainforest ecosystem.

Do maggots come from dead bodies?

Yes, maggots are the larval stage of flies. Flies lay their eggs on decaying organic matter, including dead bodies. When the eggs hatch, they develop into maggots, which feed on the decomposing tissue.