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No , maggots are from flies

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Q: Do maggots come from mold
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Can flies be born in mold?

Mold attracts flies and they do breed in mold. Flies will lay eggs in he mold so that the maggots have a food source when the hatch.

What happens to food when spoiling occurs?

It decays and grows mold and maggots

Where do baby maggots come from?

The adult female bugs lay maggots

Do maggots come out of pork?


Why do flies come out in the summer?

durring the winter they are maggots!

Do house flies come from maggots?

No flies lay maggots, flies lay eggs, these eggs will hatch into maggots.

If you die in a completely sanitary room would you get maggots?

If there was absolutely no way for a maggot to get into the room, and no maggots or maggot eggs anywhere in the room or on your person, then there is no way for your body to become infested with maggots. Maggots are a living creature and they can't appear out of thin air, they have to come from somewhere.

You have small white maggots about 12 in your pool what are they and where did they come from?

i think they come old water. i am not shure!!

Do maggots come from dead bodies?

Yes, maggots are the larval stage of flies. Flies lay their eggs on decaying organic matter, including dead bodies. When the eggs hatch, they develop into maggots, which feed on the decomposing tissue.

Why mold is helpful because?

Mold is helpful because it plays a role in decomposition, breaking down organic matter like dead plants and animals, and returning nutrients to the soil. Some molds are also used in food production processes, such as cheese-making and fermentation, to impart unique flavors and textures. Additionally, certain molds produce antibiotics and enzymes that can be beneficial for various industrial and medical applications.

What did Francesco Redi do dealing with evolution?

Redi did an experiment seeing what maggots come from by putting meat into jars and left 1 open 1 covered with netting and one sealed the only one that didn't get maggots was the one that was sealed proving that maggots come from flies.

Where can maggots be found?

To find maggots go to a beach. Look mainly in the tide area (where the tide regulary ends when it comes in). dig deep into the sand and maggots will appear. Maggots normally fall into the sea and go under the sand when the tide comes in.