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The only glow worm that produces heat is Piccolo, the greatest namek in the world

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Related questions

How does a glow worm produce electricity?

Glow worms produce light through a process called bioluminescence. They have special cells in their bodies that produce light by combining a chemical called luciferin with oxygen in the presence of an enzyme. This process generates light without producing heat, which allows the glow worm to produce its characteristic glow.

What is the scientific name of a glow-worm?

The scientific name for a glow-worm is Lampyris noctiluca. They are beetles that produce light through a process called bioluminescence, which is used for attracting mates.

When was The Glow-Worm created?

The Glow-Worm was created in 1902.

What animals can glow?

A glow worm A Glofish

How did the nightingale see the glow-worm?

The nightingale saw the glow-worm as a small light shining in the darkness. It was attracted to the glow emitted by the worm as it moved through the night.

How does tourism affect the glow-worm?

i think the glow worm will be scared of the tourists and move house

Is a glow-worm an insect?

Yes, glow-worms are insects belonging to the beetle family Lampyridae. They are also referred to as fireflies or lightning bugs due to their ability to produce bioluminescence.

What glow worm grotto is a tourist attraction?

The Waitomo Glow Worm Grotto in New Zealand is a tourist attraction.

When was Glow-Worm Caves Tamborine Mountain created?

Glow-Worm Caves Tamborine Mountain was created in 2004.

What are the release dates for The Glow Worm - 1913?

The Glow Worm - 1913 was released on: USA: 6 September 1913

What are the release dates for The Glow Worm - 1930?

The Glow Worm - 1930 was released on: USA: 18 August 1930

Who sang on the Spike Jone recording of Glow Worm?

The vocalists on Glow Worm are Red Ingle and Aileen Carlisle.