They are able to live inside and outside.
yes skunks have fleas most animals get fleas especially ones that live outside
Pets are a convenient source of food for fleas.
Yes, if temperatures are between 50 and 130 degrees.
Fleas come from eggs. Flea eggs can survive for years in carpeting, drapes, ect... Or, you may have inadvertently brought a hitchhiker in with you from outside (be it eggs or a female who had not yet dropped her eggs).
They both are friends like mice don't eat flies
Yes, if you or your pets have had fleas, the fleas will infest your house unless you exterminate them with insecticide.
Yes, there are fleas in Alaska. The fleas can be on house pets such as dogs and cats. Fleas can also be on wild animals such as bears.
Fleas are animals that live off the blood of animals. A flea is a tiny insect that burrows into usually a pet's skin and can jump from place to place.
I am not sure but they can get fleas
Host animal- dog or cat, they also infest carpets and dirt outside.
No it is not especially if you have other pets cause then the fleas go onto your other pets and maybe make them sick.