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Q: Do flatworms have organs
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The excretory organs in a planaria or fluke are called?

The excretory organs in a planaria or fluke are called protonephridia. They are responsible for osmoregulation and waste excretion in these organisms.

How many diseases caused by flatworms?

Flatworms can cause various diseases in humans, including schistosomiasis, cysticercosis, and fascioliasis. These diseases can result from the parasitic activity of different types of flatworms and can affect various organs and systems in the body, leading to a range of symptoms and health complications.

Are planarians a non-parasitic flatworm?

yes planarians are nonparasitic flatworms because of their internial organs off matter , and also they move in a consecutive motion

Which organism has excretory organs known as Malpighian tubules?

Insects and other arthropods have excretory organs called Malpighian tubules. These tubules are responsible for removing waste and regulating ions in the hemolymph (insect blood).

What are facts about flatworms?

facts about flatworms

Are flatworms Invertebrate?

Yes flatworms are invertebrates

Flatworms have mesoderm which forms muscle tissue and reproductive organs but there is not body cavity between the gut and the outer body walltherefore they are called what?

at a organ level of organization and they are acoelomates.

Are flatworms male?

A species cannot consist entirely of males. Some flatworms reproduce asexually, so the male and female sexes do not exist for them. Others male have male and female sexes. Still other species are hermaphrodites; meaning that individuals posses both male and female reproductive organs.

What is the scientific name for the phylum of flatworms?

Flatworms are in the Platyhelminthesphylum.

What is the scientific name for flatworms?

The scientific name for flatworms is Platyhelminthes.

Name familiar examples of flatworms?

What are some examples of Flatworms?

Are flatworms found in cats?

Yes, Cats can be a host for flatworms.