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Dragonflies usually do not travel in "packs". However, they're normally close to another few. Dragonflies only live for 24hrs so it they don't exactly have enough time to make a lasting impression on their fellow dragonflies.

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6y ago

Dragonflies are insects and during their larval/nymph stages they live for several years in/on the bottom of freshwater pools or lakes. Here there may be many of them but they live as individuals.

Come summer and the mature nymphs crawl out of the water and transform into adult dragonflies with wings. In this stage they are predatory flying insects that again live alone. However, during the adult phase they will couple and mate with another dragonfly and together lay eggs on the water surface. For this act only they cease to be alone. After mating and egg laying they die.

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13y ago

yes! all butterflies fly alone. But! all butterflies got a home to go back to at the end of the day.

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Q: Do dragonflies live groups
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Dragonflies live on every continent except for Antarctica. Dragonflies like to live in tropical climates, as well as near lakes and other bodies of water.

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Dragonflies live near water because they lay their eggs in water. Young dragonflies are aquatic.

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Do dragonflies live alone or in a group?

well some lizards per fur to live a lone but yes 2 will live together in a group but never 3 or more

What era did dragonflies live in?

Dragonflies lived in the Mesozoic era. Mesozoic means middle life.

Do dragonflies eat small bites of human food?

No. Dragonflies only go after live prey.

What is dragonflies in the Invertebrate Groups?

Dragonflies are in the phylum arthropoda, and within that they are nested into Hexapoda, and then further into the Insecta group, where they can be found within the infraorder Anisoptera.

What continent do dragonflies live?

lots of dragonflys live in the u.s.a

How do dragonflies live in wetlands?

because dragonflys live in ponds

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