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Yes. Although fleas will often bite humans, they are unable to survive indefientely from our blood alone. It is in essence like us trying to live solely on water.

Without a valid food source, no animal is able to breed. This is the same for fleas.

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Q: Do cat fleas need cat blood to reproduce?
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You have found a flea on your cat will it have more?

There is a high probability that your cat will have more fleas on it. Fleas are tiny little things that reproduce fast, and your cat could probably have eggs or more fleas on it. If you want to prevent fleas, there are really good medicines out there you could use.

Do cat fleas die after leaving the cat if their no more cats?

No, fleas will live in your home and bite people instead. Your home will need to be treated for fleas if a fleas are seen!

What do you call parts of the body insects have but cat fleas dont?

The body part that insects have and cat fleas do not is wings. Fleas are wingless insects that feed on the blood of animals including cats.

Can fleas cause cat to have blood in stools?

This is usually because the fleas have worm infections living in them and when the cat lickes a flea from his coat he catches worms.

What is the term for a cat who has fleas?

The cat with fleas is a host

What effects do fleas have on cats behavior?

Well, it sounds weird, but your cat can be allergic to a flea's spit. When the flea bites your cat for blood, spit comes out of it's mouth, and that's why your cat scratches like crazy. Your cat will lose hair and get raw and inflamed skin and he'll feel miserable and his appetite will change, causing weight loss. Fleas carry a blood parasite. Because they feed on a cat's blood, that parasite can get into your cat's blood stream, and do some nasty damage, leading to death if this is severe an not treated. With dogs, it's pretty much the same. The fleas will multiply and soon, 1 little flea can become 100,000 and your dog will be very sad. I hope that helped somehow.

Are dog fleas and cat fleas the same?

While cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) and dog fleas (Ctenocephalides cannis) are two different species, most of the fleas found on dogs are actually cat fleas.

Is it safe to pet a cat with fleas?

It is not safe to pet a cat with fleas because fleas can transmit diseases to humans. It is important to treat the cat for fleas before handling them.

Can you touch a cat with fleas?

Yes, you can touch a cat with fleas, but it is important to take precautions to prevent the fleas from spreading to you or other pets. It is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly after touching a cat with fleas and to treat the cat for fleas to prevent infestation.

Flea bites from a cat?

Fleas on a cat are probably either dog fleas or cat fleas (these are two different species, but despite the name, either can survive on either a dog or cat ... or for that matter on other mammals). Both of them can and will bite humans.

Why do fleas live on cats and dogs?

so they can live and production on the cat or dog and cause they can live no where else.