Zaf`s Answer:
Mr.Einstein`s Answer:
Beetle bodies have the same three main parts as all insects have: the head, the thorax (the middle part), and the abdomen (the back part). On the head, beetles have antennae (feelers), eyes, and a mouth. The legs and wings of the beetle come out of the thorax. The abdomen of a beetle does not usually have special parts on the outside of it, but it has the beetle's stomach and intestines inside. Like other insects, beetles are hard on the outside because of an exoskeleton, which is similar to bones on the outside of the body. Beetles have no bones inside them. The exoskeleton is made of hard plates, like pieces of armor.
Spiders, grasshoppers, beetles, and etc.
They have teeth and have to chew then slowly diguest like a human.
Yes. Their teeth are required to chew through the exoskeletons of the ants, beetles, and grasshoppers they like to eat.
Insects do not have teeth like vertebrates. Instead, they have mandibles that are used for chewing and manipulating food. Some insects, like beetles and grasshoppers, have well-developed mandibles that resemble teeth in function.
American Burying Beetles, Asian Longhorned Beetles, Hungerford's Crawling Water Beetles, Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles, Six-Banded Longhorn Beetles, Cantrall's Bog Beetles, Black Lordithon Rove Beetles, Douglas Stenelmis Riffle Beetles, Leaf Beetles, Dryopid Beetles, Predaceous Diving Beetles, Whirligig Beetles, Crawling Water Beetles, Minute Moss Beetles, Water Scavenger Beetles, Firefly Beetles, Travertine Beetles, Burrowing Water Beetles, Water Pennies, Toad-Winged Beetles, Marsh Beetles, Emerald Ash Borer, Cottonwood Borer, and many more types of beetles live in Michigan.
Most bugs do not have teeth. Instead, they have specialized mouthparts that are adapted for chewing, sucking, or piercing. Some bugs, such as beetles, have mandibles that function similarly to teeth for chewing and breaking down food.
There are many types of beetles found on Long Island. This includes, powder post beetles, Asian beetles, bark beetles, citrus long horned beetles, old house beetles, and the ladybug.
carrion beetles are that kind of beetles
Beetles are insects.
Why would you ask a question like that?!!??
No, they're not the same water beetles live in the water and beetles live on land.
Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.