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No, that does not even make sense! yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo

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Q: Do ants lay watermelons
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Do honey ants lay eggs?

honey ants do lay eggs

Do chickens lay watermelons?

no they lay eggs THEY DON'T!! but some chickens lay eggs that turn into chicks over time

Do ants lay eggs inside homes?


What do females ants do?

The female's lay eges to reproduce.

How do ants lay eggs if they are all girls?


Do ants lay eggs or give birth?

Ants lay eggs. The queen ant lays eggs, which then hatch into larvae that eventually develop into adult ants. Ants do not give birth to live young.

How many eggs do odorous house ants lay?

10000 in a week!

What is the system that ants have and that we the people must emulate?

Like ants they used to lay aside foods, like them people must be thrifty.

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Why are there no king bees?

ants do not need kings they have several ants to mate with the "queen" called "drones"

What is the gestation period for an ant?

Ants don't have gestation periods because they lay eggs - they don't have live babies like mammals do.

Why are watermelons organic?

watermelons arent always organic