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I believe it certain type can. Alot of beatels usually can. I know alot of this stuff I use to teach science for 8 years (yes sicne I was 19.)

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Yea they do actually.

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Q: Do ants antenna grow back
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What can ants antenna can do?

Ants antenna can sense food and other things.

Can ants legs grow back?

yes and no

Do ants have powerful senses?

Antennas is the same as feelers on ants. An antenna is a feeler.

How do ants find there food?

Ants uses its antenna to smell the sweet. depend on the concentration it senses the sweetnessof the food

Do ants grow?

ants grow at the speed of half a cm every month

What are facts about ants?

ants grow up to be 1cm

What do ant's use their antennas For?

Ants smell with their antenna.

What is another name for a ant's antenna?

Another name for an ant's antenna is "feelers." Antennae are sensory organs that help ants navigate their environment, communicate with other ants through chemical signals, and detect food and potential threats.

Is a leaf a carnivore?

Leaf cutter ants go out to collect pieces of leaves that they cut off, then take what they have collected back to the nest. In the nest special worker ants prepare the leaf to grow a special fungus that grows into little lumps that the ants feed on. So you can see that what the ants eat is not flesh, but bits of fungus that they grow, much as humans grow mushrooms for food. So we say that they are not carnivores, but fungivorous or mycophagous, two words that mean the same thing: "fungus-eating".

How do ants clean their antennas?

well ants have a very clean bottom so they use the muscles in the antenna to shove it up their bottom

How can you tell the difference between a CB antenna and a VHF antenna?

The CB antenna is made for a limited band of frequencies and the VHF is a wide band antenna made for higher freqs. A CB antenna will not make a good tv antenna. A CB ant. is mounted on the vertical and tv ants. are mounted horiz. in the USA. VHF antennas are much smaller as they are for higher frequencies. Usually, they have many elements (rods) and will go from long in the back to short in the front. Certain CB antennas (beams) are mounted horizontally, but all of the elements are roughly the same length - and about twice as long as a VHF antenna. The elements on a horizontal CB antenna are roughly 18 feet from end to end.

How big do Army Ants grow?

There are over 200 different species of ants that fit in the classification of Army Ants, so there is no clear definition of their size.